Blog #7: Typology & Response to video
1. In your own words, describe what Typology in photography is? See article on this website (Link here) for more information and on the...
BLOG #5: Understanding Negative Space in Photography
a. Using the tilt shift photograph below, crop the photo (at least 40%) and keep the photo with more negative space than positive. b....
BLOG #4: History of Light Painting and Planning of your Slow Shutter Speed Project
Look at this website outlining the history of lightpainting and find 2 examples of lightpainting that you are most inspired by and...
BLOG #3: Lightpainting
This image is eye catching because it seems realistic. The model is surrounded by light and seems to be in control of it. I think there...
BLOG #2: Response to Photography Basics Slideshow
1. What does C.E.L.L. stand for? C.E.L.L stands for: Composition, Exposure, Lens and Light 2. What are the 4 composition rules? Explain...
BLOG #1: Response to TedTalk Video: How Photography Connects Us
David Griffin on How Photography Connects Us 1. How can photography “connect us”? Give at least one example. Photography connects us...