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Blog #1: Photography Basics

1. What does C.E.L.L. stand for?

C.E.L.L stands for: Composition, Exposure, Lens and Light

2. What are the 4 composition rules? Explain each in your own words using 1 or more sentences.

Principle 1 is to un-clutter the picture and/or zoom in.

Principle 2 is to use the rule of thirds or put subject off-centre.

Principle 3 is to use frames, lines and diagonals.

Principle 4 is to create a dramatic perspective.

3. What is exposure?

Exposure is the relationship between aperture, shutter speed and ISO.

4. What is the Aperture of a camera and how does it affect the depth of field?

The aperture of the camera is the opening of a lens through which light passes. This affects depth of field (range of distance in focus).

5. What happens to the aperture in Portrait mode (F.5.6)?

There is a bigger lens opening in Portrait mode which creates a small/ shallow depth of field.

6. What happens to the aperture in Landscape mode (F22)?

There is a smaller lens opening in Landscape mode which creates a large/ deep depth of field.

7. What are the benefits using a larger aperture (F1.8-F3.5)?

When using a larger aperture it allows you to shoot more often with just natural lighting; this helps to reduce harsh shadows and red-eye caused by flash. It also allows more light to pass through, the camera will be able to choose a slightly higher shutter speed, which helps to reduce motion blur. In addition, it adds to reduce "depth-of-field“ (for effect) giving it a shallow depth of field..

8. How do you take blur-free "action" photographs?

To capture blur-free "action" photographs (e.g. Sports), you need to make sure the camera is using a high shutter speed, e.g.1/125th of a second or more.

9. What is ISO?

ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.

10. In order to avoid noise do you set your ISO at a low or high number?

The lower the number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain.

11. What ISO do you use for:

-Use an ISO of 100 or 200 when taking photographs outside in sunny conditions.

-If the sky is overcast or it is evening time, or in a darkened room, then use an ISO within the range of 400 to 800.

-Night time or in cases of low light you might need to set your digital camera ISO to 1600. If not your photo will appear too dark, if at all.

12. What’s the difference between a wide angle and telephoto lens?

Wide-angle lenses allow more of a picture to be captured (need focal point) while telephoto lenses tighten the scene and isolate the subject (but affect the depth of field & increase camera shake)

13. What are the 3 principles of light?

1.Avoid using flash, even for night shots

2.Side Lighting instead of front or overhead (noon-time) lighting

3.Use fill-in flash, for backlit situations or overhead sun.

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