BLOG #4: History of Light Painting and Planning of your Slow Shutter Speed Project
Look at this website outlining the history of lightpainting and find 2 examples of lightpainting that you are most inspired by and identify who created them and how they were created by the artist. What aspect of the photos did you find interesting? Post the 2 photo examples with your blog. (3-5 sentence paragraph)

Theses photos were taken of the Light Painting website and were given credit to dogma, tesatscad, 5thdimension, j_robert, dikasapi & moodification. They were created by a long exposer and many lights. They have multiply lights to create the different subjects in each photo. I like how theses photos are abstract.
2. Looking at the examples from the early 1900’s to 1980’s, how did light painting develop and change over time? What new discoveries do you see made and created by the artists? (3-5 sentence paragraph)
Light painting started out with more abstract ideas. Older pictures had less light and were made up of a smaller frame. Since then they have develped into more complex and create images.
3. Now, thinking of your Blurred Motion or Light Painting Project list 4 ideas below.
Type: Bluured
Subject: Shopping card
Location: Grocery Store
Time: Any time
Lighting: Constant light
Mode: Shutter priority
ISO: 500?
Shutter: 15"
FStop: auto
Flash: no
Type: Light
Subject: Door
Location: Outside
Time: Night
Lighting: None
Mode: Manual
ISO: 200
Shutter: 20"
FStop: 7-9
Flash: Maybe
Type: Light
Subject: landscape
Location: Outside
Time: Night
Lighting: None
Mode: Maual
ISO: 200
Shutter: 30"
FStop: 7-11
Flash: Maybe
Type: Blurred
Subject: Car Mirror
Location: On the road
Time: Day
Lighting: Natural
Mode: Manual
ISO: 200
Shutter: 20-30"
FStop: 7-11
Flash: No