11/1/17 Blog #6: Edward Weston Documentary
1. What did beautiful subjects did Weston “love” to photograph? (what type of subjects?) *Revealed throughout the entire documentary.
-Weston likes to photograph nature and things outdoors.
2. What is Weston’s most important tool?
- Weston's most important tool is his eyes. They will find what pleases him, not others. This is how he selects his art.
3. Does Weston have any rules for lighting in his photography?
-The quality of light affects the photo. He looks for the best light tin order to capture the scene in the best way.
4. Examine one of Weston’s ”Peppers” photograph’s below. What does it remind you of?
-This photo reminds me of a person. It is close to an individual turning away from the camera and all you see is their back as they sit

5. What do you think the documentary means by “In the artist’s approach to photography there are no rules to composition, because each picture presents it’s own special problem, he can use no short cuts...”?
-Each photo is different so an artist must adjust for each scenario.
6. Do you think Weston photographed to please others or himself? Why or Why not?
-Weston photographed to please himself because he found subjects that were interesting to him. This allowed him to create images to make him happy.
7. In the film, the narrator states that a “part” of a photograph can tell more truth than “the whole” of a photograph. What do you think he means? Why can the distance to the subject make a difference?
-The narrator is explaining that perspective is everything. A different perspective creates a new image overtime and adds significance to the subject.
8. Do you agree with the narrator of the film when he states, “No teacher, no master can teach us what to look for in the world around us, know how to evaluate what we find. They can encourage our patience, our inquisitiveness, our right to have our own feelings and ideas, but we must do our own work?” Why or why not?
- I do agree with the narrator. In a classroom everyone would get a different image when looking gat the same subject. This shows how creativity can be nurtured but it lies within each individual.
9. Which photograph of Weston's is most captivating to you? Why? Be specific to the details, techniques, elements of art or principles of design that he uses.
-I really like Edward Weston's "Grass Against Sea" 1937. His image is so simple yet captivating. It uses leading line, balance, negative space, repetition, and even lecture in order to make the image enjoyable.