BLOG #5: Understanding Negative Space in Photography
a. Using the tilt shift photograph below, crop the photo (at least 40%) and keep the photo with more negative space than positive.
b. How would you define negative space in photography?
- In photography, negative space is the area that surrounds a subject.
c. Why do you think negative space is also referred to as “white space”? Does this mean it has to be the color white? Discuss with your classmates or group mates if you can’t think of an answer.
- Often times negative space is also referred to as"white space." I think this is because negative space doesn't contain a focus just how white space is empty.
d. Why does a photograph need negative space? What does it provide for the viewer?
- The negative space around the subjects just give the objects a clearer focus.
e. There are several solutions to overcoming our preconceptions of how images should look and how to use negative space in photography. Name one solution and how to use it.
- One way to overcome preconceptions in photography is to focus on the whole composition. It's better to focus on the spaces between and around the subjects in order to see shapes and sizes better.