BLOG #2: Response to Photography Basics Slideshow
1. What does C.E.L.L. stand for?
C.E.L.L stands for: Composition, Exposure, Lens and Light
2. What are the 4 composition rules? Explain each in your own words using 1 or more sentences.
Principle 1 is to un-clutter the picture and/or zoom in.
Principle 2 is to use the rule of thirds or put subject off-centre.
Principle 3 is to use frames, lines and diagonals.
Principle 4 is to create a dramatic perspective.
3. What is exposure?
Exposure is the relationship between aperture, shutter speed and ISO.
4. What happens to the aperture in Portrait mode (F.5.6)?
There is a bigger lens opening in Portrait mode which creates a small/ shallow depth of field.
5. What happens to the aperture in Landscape mode (F22)?
There is a smaller len opening in Landscape mode which creates a large/ deep depth of field.
6. What is Aperture Priority Mode?
Aperture Priority mode allows you to pick the aperture which lets you change the depth of field. You also have to pick an appropriate shutter speed.
7. Try Aperture Priority mode on your camera. Focus on one object (Keyboard, person, pencil, etc.) First, take 1 photo at low aperture (F4) or high aperture (F22). Did you notice a difference in the focal range and depth of field when you adjusted your aperture? Describe the difference.
One has a shallow DOF and the other has a large DOF. This also changed the focus in the image.