Sem. 2 Blog #1: Response to Film - Finding Vivian Maier

1. Why do you think Vivian Maier's photography was never discovered within her lifetime?
In the film they mentioned how Maier didn't defend herself as an artist. I completely agree with this. It seems like she thought of herself incapable of displaying her own work, and really needed someone else to help her.
2. What photograph of Vivian Maier's do you find the most interesting and why? (Include photo with your blog)
The photograph shown above is one of my favorites. Maier is able to capture the sense of living in her street photography. I love the way this image makes me think and wonder about the subject. Also, she is able to show the time period and simplicity of the era.
3. What type of people did Maier photograph? Why do you think she was drawn to the "streets"?
Maier was almost attracted to a story. She seems to photograph people expressing emotion, or their way of living. The streets are a perfect place to find what she was looking for.
4. Do you think Maier would have ever wanted her photographs to be discovered? Why or why not?
In the film she sends a letter to a photography shop to print her work. I'm sure she took pictures for the world to see, but after learning about her personallity I'm sure she wouldn't have been able to do it herself.